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Hi, I'm Brett A. Tipton

I'm a digital media creator, writer, designer, and educator. While I do like to have fun, I also have a serious side.

I've done degree work in Communication Studies, Digital Video Media Technology, and Bible. I've also taught a wide variety of college classes.

I was in the Army Reserves where I served as a Cannon Crewmember and had training in Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical Warfare.
Couple with Music Instruments



My hobbies include writing, sci-fi, digital photography, and music. I enjoy playing around on my tenor ukulele and UBass (short scale bass). I also have a few harmonicas and a guitar. I’m discovering my strongest musical talents are as a songwriter and composer.

Meet the Cats




Mrow Mrow​




Hi kids!

Here I am teaching online English classes to kids in China with my hand puppet, Nugget.

Boldly go where no man has gone before.

I took my geekiness out of this world when I took a 3D modeling class. I designed a Star Trek inspired ship. Yes, I am the captain, and I did name the ship after myself. Not even Captain Kirk would be that brazen.
B A Tipton Starship No Background.png

Current Projects

6 X 9 for Jonah Page 14 & 15.jpg
I've recently finished an illustrated children's book on the story of Jonah and a musical on the story of Queen Esther.
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